We’ve had another great week this half term running an Activity Week for some very keen Young Climbers. As part of the week we decided to put together a blog about the advantages of using an Auto-belay for training, as we all felt that they are often over looked and do not get the use that they should! Check out what they came up with below!

  • Using an Auto Belay means that you can climb without a partner, allowing you to carry on your training, even when they are not available to.
  • You can also train without having to worry about your partner’s belaying ability, meaning you can get a great session in without being held back.
  • Using an Auto Belay is also a great way of building up your endurance as you can do laps, climb down to improve different muscles and they are also a great way to improve your footwork.
  • You can incorporate climbing training into circuit training or other such training sessions and not have to worry about having to swap with your partner to belay them.
  • You don’t have to worry about knots and the carabiner often locks itself so you know that you are safe even without someone else checking you have done everything correctly.
  • You can jump off when you want, or if you fall off, you know you will descend at a steady, safe speed to ensure the safety of yourself and everyone else around you also.
  • They are a great way of learning from your mistakes and improving quickly. For example, you cannot sit on the rope, meaning you must commit to your move so the points where you would usually hesitate or rest at, you can no longer, which is great training both physically and mentally.
  • Using an Auto Belay can also help to build your confidence on the wall. You don’t have the feeling that someone is constantly watching you and picking up on all your mistakes, so you can climb and correct yourself and feel that you are making progress without having to worry what anyone else is thinking.
  • Finally, using an Auto Belay is very straight forward and takes a small amount of instruction to show others how to use it correctly and safely, so anyone can use it!

So, don’t ever hold yourself back from a session if you feel like you have no one to go with. Come down to Rock and Rapid and try out our Auto Belay, you’ll have a great Climbing session!

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